How does Handibee's hourly fee work?

We hope this explanation of how our hourly fee works can be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always here to help.


Contact Handibee when there is a breakdown.

Contact Handibee and let us know what work needs to be done. Our team will get in touch with you promptly to understand your requirements.


A qualified technician will assess the job.

Our skilled and experienced technicians will assess the job and provide a realistic timeframe based on complexity, required tools and materials, and other factors. We can even absorb the cost of essential replacement parts with a home warranty.


The technician will inform the time taken to repair or service the job.

Based on their initial estimate, you'll only be charged for the technician's time on the job. For instance, if they estimate that the job will take 2 hours but complete it in 1.5 hours, you'll only be charged for 1.5 hours. This ensures you clearly understand what you're paying for without hidden costs.


Only the hourly time that has been committed will be charged.

No additional fees will be charged even if the job takes longer than estimated. Our technicians are committed to completing the work within the agreed-upon time, providing a fair and transparent service.

Hourly saves you more than traditional quote-based

We hope this explanation of how our hourly fee works can be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always here to help.

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Servicing an Air-cond

Air-condition (1 HP)

Air-condition (1.5 HP)

Repair on Plumbing

Kitchen sink clogged

Toilet pipe leaking (external)

Roof-top Management

Rooftop leaking

Pest Control


Home Improvement

(Install) replace toilet bidet

(Install) 3 new light bulbs

(Install) 1 new plug/socket

On-Demand Service


RM 80 - RM 150

RM 90 - RM 170

RM 120 - RM 150

RM 110 - RM 200

RM 350 - RM 500

RM 150

RM 80

RM 80

RM 80

Hourly Service

Comprehensive Home Protection

RM 60 /per unit

RM 60 /per unit

RM 60 /hour

RM 60 /hour

RM 120 /2 hours

RM 70 /hour

RM 60 /hour

Combine into 1 hour

Keep your home at its absolute best!

Explore more about our home warranty.

View our plans

Do you want to know more?

Frequently asked questions

Why use an hourly rate rather than a quote-based service?

In quote-based negotiation, there is always a risk of overpaying or underpaying for a service, which can create disputes between the customer and the handyperson. With an hourly rate, you know exactly what you're paying for and have a better estimate of the job's cost. It provides a more transparent and straightforward way of pricing for both parties. Additionally, if the technician finishes the job earlier than expected, you save money on your bill.

Why are the technicians being paid hourly?

Handibee's technicians are paid hourly, so the more efficiently and effectively they work, the better their remuneration. This motivates them to work faster without compromising the quality of their work. With our hourly rate system, you can be assured that you're getting the best value for your money, and the technicians are incentivized to complete the job as efficiently as possible.